Managing sick time can be a full-time job for Facilities Directors or Human Resource executives. Having a case management system to track sick leave takes the burden off HR, facilities directors, hiring managers and employees. A case management system can be set-up based on any metrics you need to track for your organization. When an employee needs to take time for an illness, a case is opened up. Then, through a series of questions pre-determined by the client and WellCheck, the employee answers and is led to a specific outcome based the questions and the logic baked in.
A great example of how this works is COVID-19. If the employee needs to miss work due to a COVID-19 exposure, the employee opens a case and answers questions such as where the exposure occurred, who they interacted with at work, when the exposure occurred etc. Based on the answers, the employee can receive an outcome that lays out exactly how to proceed such as quarantine for 5 days, obtain a COVID-19 test etc. If COVID protocol changes, the questions can easily be changed to lead the employee to the exact outcome they should receive.
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